
German Pronouns: Nominative (Nominativ)

Accusative    Exercises
ich (I), du (you), er (he), sie (she, they), es (it), wir (we), ihr (you), Sie (You)
(are not used in the Nominative case)
mein (my), dein (your), sein (his), ihr (her,their), unser (our), Ihr (Your), eure (you)
dieser (this), diese (this,these), dieses (this), jener (that), jene (that,those), jenes (that), derselbe, dasselbe, dieselbe, dieselben, solcher (such), solche (such), solches (such)
wer (who), was (what), welcher (which), welche (which), welches (which)
alle (all), andere (others), beide (both), einige (some), keine (none), irgendeine (any), irgendwer (anyone), jede (each, every), jemand (someone), niemand (nobody), nichts (nothing), einige (some), man (one)
ich (I), du (you), er (he), sie (she, they), es(it), wir (we), ihr(you), Sie (You)
First person, singular:
speaker ich [ɪç] = I


speaker Ich bin nicht hier. = I am not here.

speaker Wo bin ich? = Where am I?

speaker Das war ich nicht. = That was not I. (That wasn't me.)

speaker Das bin ich. = That is I. (That's me.)

speaker Kann ich Ihnen helfen? = Can I help You? (Ihnen - You - singular, formal - as a sign of higher respect)

speaker Ich schaffe es allein. = I (will) do it alone. (I'll do it on my own.)

speaker Er ist wie du und ich. = He is like I and you. (you - sing. informal)

speaker Wohin soll ich gehen? = Where to do I have to go? (Where do I have to go to?)

speaker Mit wem darf ich darüber reden? = With whom may I speak about it? (darüber - about it)

Second person, singular:
speaker du [du:] = you
du applies to a single person, informally, as you would talk to your friends and other close people, but not to your boss, etc.


speaker Das bist du. = That is you.

speaker Du bist dort. = You are there.

speaker Das bist du nicht. = That is not you.

speaker Wer bist du? = Who are you?

speaker Bleibst du zu Hause? = Remain you at home? (Are you remaining/staying at home?)

speaker Du wirst eine gute Ärztin. = You will become a good doctor. (Ärztin - female doctor)

speaker Heißt du Sam? = Are you called Sam? (Is your name Sam?)

speaker Du wirst gesagt. = You are (being) told.

speaker Du bist gesagt. = You have been told.

speaker Willst du? = Want you? (Do you want?)

speaker Du willst?! = You want?!

speaker Du heißt Stefan, nicht wahr? = You call yourself Stephan, aren't you? (Your name is Stephan, isn't it?)

speaker Du bist krank. = You are sick.

speaker Wer bist du? = Who are you?

speaker Was meinst du? = What do you mean?

speaker Willst du mich sehen? = Want you to see me? (Do you want to see me?)

speaker Möchtest du Kaffee? = Would you like coffee?

speaker Wo willst du hin? = Where to do you want? (Where do you want to?)

speaker Du darfst nicht hier sein. = You may not be here. (You aren't allowed to be here.)

speaker Du redest zu viel. = You are talking to much. (now) / You talk too much. (in general)

Third person, singular:
speaker er [e:r] = he


speaker Das ist ein Zug. Er fährt nach Paris. = This is a train. It goes to Paris.

speaker Wo ist mein Apfel? Er ist auf dem Tisch. = Where is my apple? It is on the table.

speaker Er kommt spät. = He comes late.

speaker Er beleibt bei mir. = He remains/stays by/with me. (with me, i.e.: at my home,...

speaker Er geht zur (zu der) Arbeit. = He is going to work. (He goes to work.)

speaker Er ist nicht da. = He is not there.

speaker Das ist er. = This is he. (That's him.)

speaker Das ist er nicht. = That is not he. (That isn't him.)

speaker Wo war er? = Where was he?

speaker Er will. = He wants.

speaker sie [zi:] = she


speaker Sie ist nicht hier. = She is not here.

speaker Das ist sie. = That/This is she/her.

speaker Das ist sie nicht. = That/This isn't she/her.

speaker Wo ist sie? = Where is she?

speaker Sie gibt ihr einen Apfel. = She gives her an apple.

speaker Sie stört uns nicht. = She doesn't bother us.

speaker Sie heißt Marija. = She is called Maria. (Her name is Maria.)

speaker Sie weißt nicht, ob sie hier ist. = She doesn't know, if she is here.

speaker es [ɛs] = it


speaker Es ist grün. = It is green.

speaker Das ist es. = That/This is it.

speaker Das ist es nicht. = That/This is not it.

speaker Was ist es? = What is it?

speaker Es macht sich immer größer. = It makes itself bigger. (It is increasing itself.)

speaker Es hat sich gezeigt. = It has shown itself.

First person, plural:
speaker wir ['vir:] = we


speaker Wir sind rot. = We are red.

speaker Das sind wir. = That are we. (That's us.)

speaker Das sind wir nicht. = That/This are not we. (That's not us.)

speaker Wer sind wir? = Who are we?

speaker Wir lieben uns. = We love ourselves.

speaker Wir fühlen uns nicht gut. = We are not feeling well. (We don't feel (ourselves) well.)

speaker Wir machen das für uns. = We are doing this for us/ourselves.

Second person, plural:
speaker Sie [zi:] = You (formal)
(Sie applies to You as formal speech, like if you spoke to a customer, your boss, or to the people that you see for the first time)


speaker Sie sind weiß. = You are white.

speaker Hier sind Sie. = Here are You.

speaker Das sind Sie aber nicht. = But that are not You.

speaker Wer sind Sie? = Who are You?

speaker Sie reden über sich. = You are talking about Yourself.

speaker Setzen Sie sich. = Sit down. (Sit Yourself down.)

speaker Machen Sie sich bequem. = Make (You) Yourself comfortable.

speaker ihr ['i:r] = you (more than one person)
Applies to a group of people.

Note: German speakers, if they want to express more respect to some group of people, they would write Ihr (with capital), similar as they write Sie for one person.
That means, if you would write a letter to a group of your customers, than you would rather use Ihr instead of ihr.


speaker Ihr seid gelb. = You are yellow.

speaker Das seid ihr. = That are you.

speaker Das seid ihr nicht. = That are not you.

speaker Wer seid ihr? = Who are you?

speaker Wohin wollt ihr fahren? = Where to do you want to drive/go?

speaker Was macht ihr? = What are you doing/making?

speaker Wo seid ihr? = Who are you?

speaker Seid ihr im(in diesem) Zimmer? = Are you in the(in this) room?

Third person, plural:
speaker sie [zi:] = they


speaker Sie sind nicht grau. = They are not grey.

speaker Das sind sie. = That/This are they/them.

speaker Das sind sie nicht. = That/This are not they/them.

speaker Wo sind sie? = Where are they?

speaker Sie befinden sich zwischen zwei Frauen. = They find themselves between two women.

speaker Sie sind mit mir. = They are with me.

speaker She sind nicht zu Hause. = They are not at home.

German reflexive pronouns:
mich (myself), dich (yourself), sich (himself,herself,itself,yourselves,themselves), uns (ourselves), euch (yourselves),
are not used in the German Nominative case.
Reflexive German pronouns are used only in Akkusative and Dative cases.

mein (my), dein (your), sein (his), ihr (her, their), unser (our), Ihr (Your), euer eure (your)
First person, singular:
speaker mein ['maɪn] = my (he)
speaker meine ['maɪnə] = my (she, they)
speaker mein ['maɪn] = my (it)


speaker Du bist mein Bruder. = You are my brother. (he)

speaker Wo ist mein Schlüssel? = Where is my key? (he)

speaker Das ist meine Frau. = That/This is my woman. (she)

speaker Das ist meine Ehefrau. = That/This is my wife. (she)

speaker Mein Haus ist leer. = My house is empty. (it)

speaker Das ist nicht mein Spiel. = That/This is not my game. (it)

speaker Wo sind meine Schlüssel? = Where are my keys? (they)

speaker Das sind meine Füße. = These are my feet. (they)

speaker Ich kann meine Brille nicht finden. = I cannot find by glasses. (they)

Second person, singular, informal:
speaker dein ['daɪn] = your (he, it)

speaker deine ['daɪnə] = your (she, they)

speaker Das ist nicht dein Krieg. = That is not your war. (der Krieg - he)

speaker Dein Schlüssel ist in deiner Tasche. = Your key is in your pocket. (der Schlüssel - he)

speaker Wo ist dein Stift? = Where is you pen? (der Stift - he)

speaker Ist das dein Bild? = Is that/this your picture? (das Bild - it)

speaker Dein Fenster ist schmutzig. = Your window is dirty. (das Fenster - it)

speaker Dein Gesicht ist nicht sauber. = Your face is not clean. (das Gesicht - it)

speaker Deine Bank ist leer. = Your bank is empty. (die Bank - she)

speaker Deine Milch ist im Kühlschrank. = Your milk is in the fridge. (die Milch - she)

speaker Deine Meinung interessiert mich nicht. = Your opinion doesn't interest me. (die Meinung - she)

speaker Deine Eltern sind nett. = You parents are nice.

speaker Deine Augen sind schön. = You eyes are beautiful.

speaker Dies sind deine Dinge. = These are your things/matters.

Third person, singular:
speaker sein ['zaɪn] = his, its (he, it)

speaker seine ['zaɪnə] = his, its (she, they)


speaker Sein Anfang ist gut. = His beginning is good. (der Anfang - he)

speaker Sein Zimmermannsbleistift ist in der Garage. = His carpenter's pencil is in the garage. (der Stift - he)

speaker Sein Boden ist weg. = Its floor is gone. (der Boden - he)

speaker Dies ist ein Fenster. Sein Rahmen ist weiß. = This is a window. Its frame is white. (das Fenster - it, der Rahmen - he)

speaker Das ist nicht sein Kind. = That/This is not his child. (das Kind - it)

speaker Sein Fieber ist hoch. = His fever is high. (das Fieber - it)

speaker Dies ist ein Zimmer. Sein Bild ist zerrissen. = This is a room. Its picture is torn down. (das Bild - it)

speaker Sein Licht ist schwach. = Its light is weak.

speaker Das ist seine Sache. = That is his business/thing/matter. (die Sache - she)

speaker Seine Temperatur ist hoch. = His temperature is high. (die Temp. - she)

speaker Das ist Brot. Seine Farbe ist grau. = This/That is bread. Its colour is grey. (das Brot - it, die Farbe - she)

speaker Dies ist ein Zimmer. Seine Größe ist groß. = This/That is a room. Its size is big. (das Zimmer - it, die Größe - she)

speaker Seine Seite ist orange. = Its side is orange. (die Seite - she)

speaker Das sind seine Augen. = Those/These are his eyes.

speaker Sind seine Freunde bei dir? = Are his friends by/with you?

speaker Das ist ein Volk. Seine Leute sind nett. = This/That is people. Its people are nice.

speaker Seine Schwestern sind schön. = His sisters are beautiful.

speaker ihr ['i:r] = her (he, it)

speaker ihre ['i:rə] = her (she, they)


speaker Ihr Blick war sehr scharf. = Her look/gaze was very sharp. (der Blick - he)

speaker Ihr Mann war bei der Arbeit. = Her man was by/at work. (der Mann - he)

speaker Ihr Gehör ist einfach erstaunlich. = Her hearing is simply/just amazing. (das Gehör - it)

speaker Ihr Fenster ist sehr sauber. = Her window is very clean. (das Fenster - it)

speaker Ihre Tochter war 17 Jahre alt. = Her daughter was 17 years old.

speaker Das ist ihre Tasche. = That/This is her bag. (die Tasche - she)

speaker Ihre Fehler sind unerheblich. = Her errors/mistakes are insignificant.

speaker Ihre Fenster sind sehr sauber. = Her windows are very clean.

First person, plural:
speaker unser ['ʊnzɐ] = our (he, it)

speaker unsere ['ʊnzərə] = our (she, they)


speaker Unser Sohn ist noch ein Junge. = Our son is still a boy.

speaker Das ist unser Anfang. = This/That is our beginning. (der Anfang - he)

speaker Unser Auto ist alt. = Our car is old. (das Auto - it)

speaker Das ist unser Haus. = That/This is our house. (das Haus - it)

speaker Unsere Schwester ist verheiratet. = Our sister is married.

speaker Das ist unsere Erde. = That/This is our Earth. (die Erde - she)

speaker Unsere Freunde sind im Urlaub. = Our friends are on holiday.

speaker Das sind unsere Kinder. = Those/These are our children.

Second person, plural:
speaker Ihr ['i:r] = Your (he, it)
speaker Ihre ['i:rə] = Your (she, they)
(Your - formal, applies to one person, but is used as plural)


speaker Wer ist Ihr Ehemann? = Who is Your husband?

speaker Lebt Ihr Ehemann bei Ihnen? = Does Your husband live with You?

speaker Wo ist Ihre Geliebte? = Where is Your girl friend?

speaker Ihre Frau ist sehr schön. = Your woman/wife is very beautiful.

speaker Ist das Ihr Vermögen? = Is that Your fortune?

speaker Ist das Ihr Dorf? = Is that/this Your village?

speaker Dies sind Ihre Eltern. = These are Your parents.

speaker Sind Ihre Kinder schon erwachsen? = Are Your children already grownup?

speaker euer ['ɔʏɐ] = your (he, it)

speaker euere ['ɔʏərə] = your (she, they)
(your - applies to more than one person)


speaker Das ist euer Schwiegervater. = This/That is your father-in-law.

speaker Ist das eure Arbeit? = Is this your work?

speaker Das ist euer Haus. = This is your house.

speaker Das sind eure Kinder. = These are your children.

speaker Wo sind eure Freunde? = Where are your friends?

speaker Dies ist eure Pflicht. = This is your duty.

speaker Eure Pflichten bleiben dieselben. = Your duties remain the same.

speaker Wie heißen eure Eltern? = What are your parents called? (What are the names of your parents?)

speaker Dies ist eure Wahrheit. = This is your truth.

Third person, plural:
speaker ihr ['i:r] = their (he, it)

speaker ihre ['i:rə] = their (she, they)


speaker Der (er) ist ihr Enkel. = He is their grandson.

speaker Ist das ihr Befehl? = Is this their order/command?

speaker Sie ist ihre Enkelin. = She is their granddaughter.

speaker Wo ist ihre Aufgabe? = Where is their task?

speaker Und das ist ihr Auto. = And that is their car.

speaker Wann ist ihr Ostern? = Whan is their Easter?

speaker Und das sind ihre Verwandten. = And that are their relatives.

speaker Sind das ihre Ziele? = Are these their goals?

der, die, das, dieser, dieses, diese, jener, jenes, jene, derjenige, dasjenige, diejenige, diejenigen, derselbe, dasselbe, dieselbe, dieselben, solcher, solche, solches
dieser (this), dieses (this), diese (this, these)
speaker dieser ['di:zɐ] = this (as he)


speaker Dieser (Tisch) ist gut. = This (table) is good.

speaker Dieser (Schreibtisch) ist rot. = This (desk) is red.

speaker Dieser (Mann) ist hoch. = This (man) is tall/high.

speaker Wer ist dieser (Junge)? = Who is this (boy).

speaker dieses ['di:zəs] = this (as it)


speaker Fahren Sie dieses (Auto)? = Do You drive this (car)?

speaker Wer ist dieses (Mädchen)? = Who is this (girl)?

speaker Dieses (Mädchen) ist meine Kollegin. = This (girl) is my colleague.

speaker diese ['di:ze] = this (as she), these (as they)


speaker Kennst du diese (Dame)? = Do you know this (lady)?

speaker Diese (Frau) trägt ein weißes Kleid. = This (woman) is wearing a white dress.

speaker Diese (Wand) ist gelb. = This (wall) is yellow.

speaker Ist diese (Wohnung) zu klein? = Is this (flat) too small?

speaker Was machen diese (Leute)? = What are these (people) doing?

speaker Diese (Kreaturen) sind schrecklich. = These (creatures) are horrible/terrible.

speaker Diese (Fahrzeuge) produzieren zu viel Rauch. = These (vehicles) produce too much smoke.

speaker Und diese sind zu laut. = And these are too loud.

jener (that), jenes (that), jene (that, those)
speaker jener ['je:nɐ] = that (as he)


speaker Jener (Mann) ist mein Bruder. = That (man) is my brother.

speaker Jener war besser. = That (one) was better.

speaker Jener war nicht da. = That (one) wasn't there/here.

speaker War Jener auch in diesem Haus? = Was that (one) in this house too?

speaker jenes ['je:nəs] = that (as it)


speaker Jenes (Kind) ist schon zu Hause. = That (child) is already at home.

speaker Jenes (Mädchen) kommt hierher. = That (girl) is coming here.

speaker Dieses (Auto) ist gut, jenes ist schlecht. = This (car) is good, that (one) is bad.

speaker Dieses oder jenes, ist mir egal. = This or that, for me doesn't matter.

speaker jene ['je:ne] = this (as she), these (they)


speaker Jene (Stadt) ist weit weg. = That (city) is far away.

speaker Jene (Sache) sieht nicht gut aus. = That (thing) doesn't look good.

speaker Diese oder jene? = This or that?

speaker Diese Frau ist here, und jene ist dort. = This woman is here, and that (one) is there.

speaker Jene (Jungs) lachen. = Those (boy) are laughing.

speaker Diese und jene sind gut. = These and those are good.

speaker Ich will die Äpfel, wie jene. = I want the apples like those.

speaker Diese und jene sind unterschiedlich. = These and those are indifferent.

Note: Jene is also used as a female first name, like: Meine Schwester heißt Jene. = My sister is called Yene.
derjenige, dasjenige, diejenige, diejenigen
speaker derjenige [ˈdeːɐ̯ˌjeːnɪɡə] = the one (as he - masculine)


speaker Er ist derjenige, den du nicht kennst. = He is the one (that) you don't know.

speaker Derjenige, der heute hier kommt. = The one that/who comes here today.

speaker Hier bleibt derjenige, den ich mag. = Here remains the one (that) I like.

speaker Derjenige, der dein Auto fährt? = The one that is driving your car?

speaker dasjenige [ˈdasˌjeːnɪɡə] = the one (as it - neuter)


speaker Dasjenige, das kaput ist. = The one that is broken.

speaker Dasjenige, das ich fahre. = The one (that) I drive.

speaker Dein Broth ist nicht dasjenige, das ich esse. = Your bread is not the one (that) I eat.

speaker Dein Antwort ist dasjenige, das ich hören wollte. = You answer is the one (that) I wanted to hear.

speaker Dasjenige, in dem sie wohnt. = The one in which she lives.

speaker diejenige [ˈdiːˌjeːˌnɪɡə] = the one (as she)


speaker Sie ist diejenige, die ich liebe. = She is the one (that) I love.

speaker Ist sie diejenige, von welcher die Rede ist? = Is she the one of whom is the talk?

speaker Dies ist diejenige, mit wem ich arbeite. = This is the one with whom I work.

speaker Die Frau ist diejenige, die in jenem Haus wohnt. = The woman is the one that lives in that house.

speaker Maria ist diejenige, der ich glaube. = Maria is the one (that) whom i believe.

speaker diejenigen [ˈdiːˌjeːˌnɪɡən] = the ones (as they)


speaker Sie sind diejenigen, die ich sehen kann. = They are the ones (that) I can see.

speaker Mir wurde diejenigen geblieben, die schlecht gewesen waren. = For me left the ones that were bad.

speaker Diejenigen sitzen bleiben, die für diesen Antrag sind. = The ones that remain seated are for this proposal.

speaker Nur diejenigen, welche lesen können. = Only the ones that can read.

speaker Diejenigen die es verdienen, kommen in die Hölle. = The once (that) deserve it, go into the hell.

speaker Es gibt auch diejenigen, die nach Süden fahren. = There are also the ones that go South.

derselbe, dasselbe, dieselbe, dieselben
speaker  derselbe [ˈdeːɐ̯ˌzɛlbə] = the same (as he - masculine)


speaker Er ist nicht mehr derselbe. = He is no longer the same.

speaker Ich glaube das ist derselbe. = I believe this is the same.

speaker dasselbe [ˈdas'zɛlbə] = the same (as it - neuter)


speaker Die schwarze Auto. Ist es dasselbe? = The black car. Is it the same?

speaker Mir passiert dasselbe. = The same happens to me.

speaker Mein Haus ist nicht dasselbe. = My house is not the same.

speaker dieselbe [ˈdiːˌzɛlbə] = the same (as she)


speaker Ich weiß nicht ob sie dieselbe ist. = I don't know if she is the same.

speaker dieselben [ˈdiːˌzɛlbən] = the same (as they)


speaker Diese Leute sind dieselben, die bei der Party waren. = These people are the same that were at the party.

speaker Unsere Ziele sind dieselben. = Our goals are the same.

solcher (such), solches (such), solche (such)
speaker solcher ['zɔlçɐ] = such (he)


speaker Solcher (Mensch) ist mir unbekannt. = Such (a human) is not known to me.

speaker Es gibt ein solcher (Kurs). = There is such (a course).

speaker Solcher (Tisch) habe ich noch nie gesehen. = Such (a table) I haven't seen yet.

speaker Ein solcher (Mann) ist zu allem fähig. = Such (a man) is capable of anything.

speaker solches ['zɔlçəs] = such (it)


speaker Solches (Benehmen) steht dir nicht. = Such (behavior) doesn't suit you.

speaker Als solches, es gefällt mir nicht. = As such, I don't like it.

speaker Ein solches (Verhalten) ist nicht akzeptabel. = Such (a behavior) is not acceptable.

speaker Solches habe ich nicht gesehen. = Such (one) I haven't see.

speaker Solches würde sie nicht fahren. = She wouldn't drive such.

speaker solche ['zɔlçe] = such (she, they)


speaker Solche (Dame) muss reich sein. =

speaker Solche (Frau), wie ich ist nicht für dich. =

speaker Sie hatte solche (Angst), dass ich konnte mir nicht vorstellen. =

speaker Solche (Leute) sind dumm. = Such (people) are stupid.

speaker Solche (Frauen) tragen Röcke. = Such women wear skirts.

speaker Solche (Männer) bleiben nicht allein. = Such (men) don't live alone.

speaker Solche sollen nicht hierher kommen. = Such shouldn't be coming here.

wer (who), was (what), welcher (which), welche (which), welches(which)
wer (who), was (what)
speaker wer ['ve:r] = who (sometimes also which, see examples)


speaker Wer ist da? = Who is there?

speaker Wer von euch will gehen? = Which of you wants to go?

speaker Wer von uns wird das tun? = Which of us will do it?

speaker Wer sind wir? = Who are we?

speaker Wer wohnt bei Ihnen? = Who lives with you? (at your place)

speaker Wer will nach Hause gehen? = Who wants to go home?

speaker Wer bleibt mit uns? = Who remains with us?

speaker Wer redet so viel? = Who talks too much?

speaker Wer soll hier sein? = Who should be here?

speaker was ['vas] = what


speaker Was ist das? = What's that?

speaker Was ist mit dir? = What is with you?

speaker Was heißt das? = What does it mean? (What is that called?)

speaker Weißt du was? Ich gehe weg. = Do you know what? I am going away. (I am leaving.)

speaker Was bist du? = What are you?

speaker Was ist passiert? = What has happened?

speaker Was ist geschehen? = What is going on/happening?

speaker Was wird getan? = What is being done?

speaker Was für eine Scheiße! = What a crap/shit!

speaker Was ist los? = What's happened.

welcher (which), welche (which), welches(which)
speaker welcher ['vɛlçɐ] = which (he)


speaker Welcher (Junge) ist dein Sohn? = Which (boy) is your son?

speaker Welcher von euch ist Peterson? = Which of you is Peterson?

speaker Welcher (Tag) ist heute? = Which/What day is today?

speaker Welcher ist gut? = Which (one) is good?

speaker Welcher bleibt here? = Which (one) remains here?

speaker Welcher kennt sie nicht? = Which (one) doesn't know her?

speaker welches ['vɛlçəs] = which (it)


speaker Ich weiß nicht, welches (Auto) das ist. = I don't know, which car that is.

speaker Welches (Märchen) ist das? = Which girl is that?

speaker Welches Bett? = Which bed?

speaker Ich verstehe nicht, welches ist schlecht. = I don't understand which (one) is bad.

speaker Welches Haus ist deins/deines? = Which house is yours?

speaker welche ['vɛlçe] = which (she, they)


speaker Welche (Zeitung) ist das? = Which (newspaper) is that?

speaker Welche (Lehrerin) ist schlechter? = Which (teacheress) is worse?

speaker Welche (Frage) ist schwere? = Which (question) is hard?

speaker Welche (Dame) ist dir nicht bekannt? = Which (lady) don't you know?

speaker Welche (Bananen) sind in die Kiste? = Which (bananas) are in the box?

speaker Welche (Hosen) sind zu breit? = Which (trousers) are too wide?

speaker Welche (Löffel) sind aus Kunststoff? = Which (spoons) are from plastic?

speaker Welche (Leute) wohnen in der Stadt? = Which (people) live in the town/city?

alle (all), keine (none), irgendeine (anyone), irgendwer (anyone), jede (each, everyone), jemand (someone), niemand (no one), nichts (nothing), man (one), einige (some)
alle (all)
speaker alle ['alə] = all


speaker Alle müssen sterben. = All must (have to) die.

speaker Alle wollen leben. = All want to live.

speaker Alle gehen zusammen. = All go/walk together.

speaker Alle wollen essen. = All want to eat.

speaker Alle steigen aus dem Bus aus. = All are getting out of the bus.

speaker Alle fahren. = All go/drive.

speaker Alle reden. = All are talking.

speaker Alle sind da. = All are there/here.

speaker Alle finden es gut. = All find it good.

If alle is used:
- before definite articles (der, die, das);
- before possessive or demonstrative pronouns,
than it gets its original form all, and is used in this form in all cases.

The word alle can also be an adjective (Adjektiv), where it is used, as English all in the sense of disappearance, like: I ate only two cookies, as that was all (there was no more).
I.e.: Mein Geld ist alle. = My money is gone., Ich bin total alle. = I am totally done (tired, exhausted).

andere (others)
speaker andere ['andərə] = others


speaker Andere wurden Ärzte. = Others will become doctors.

speaker Andere sind nicht angekommen. = Others didn't come.

speaker Andere bleiben zu Hause. = Others are staying/remaining at home.

speaker Andere sind schon gestorben. = The others are already dead.

speaker Andere haben nichts gesagt. = The others said nothing.

beide (both)
speaker beide ['ˈbaɪ̯də] = both


speaker Beide sind verheiratet. = Both are married.

speaker Beide sind hier. = Both are here.

speaker Beide kennen einander. = The both know each other.

speaker Beide kennen sich. = The both know each other.

speaker Beide bleiben bei mir. = The both are remaining/staying with me.

einige (some)
speaker einige ['aɪ̯nɪɡə] = some


speaker Einige sind nicht hier. = Some aren't here.

speaker Einige kommen morgen. = Some are coming tomorrow.

speaker Einige verstehen mich nicht. = Some don't understand me.

speaker Einige wissen nicht, was das ist. = Some don't know what this/that is.

speaker Einige sehen das anders. = Some see that another way.

speaker Einige kommen nie. = Some never come.

speaker jemand ['je:mant] = someone, anyone


speaker Du bist jemand Besonderes. = You are someone special.

speaker Jemand von uns hat es. = One of us has it.

speaker Jemand ist here. = Someone is here.

speaker Weißt jemand? = Does anyone know?

speaker Nein, jemand anders hat gekommen. = No, someone else has come.

speaker Nein, es war jemand anders. = No, it was someone else.

speaker niemand ['ni:mant] = no body, no one


speaker Niemand ist da. = No one/Nobody is there.

speaker Niemand interessiert sich für mich. = Nobody is interested in me.

speaker Es ist niemand. = It's nobody/no one.

speaker Niemand weiß es. = Nobody knows it.

speaker Heute arbeitet niemand. = Today nobody is working.

speaker Niemand ist da. = Nobody is there.

speaker Niemand will in diesem Land leben. = Nobody wants to live in this land/country.

speaker Niemand ist gekommen. = Nobody came/has come.

jeder (everyone, each), jede (everyone, each) , jedes (everyone, each)
speaker jeder ['je:dɐ] = each, everyone (he)


speaker Jeder kennt dieses Wort. = Everyone knows this word.

speaker Jeder hat Augen. = Everyone has eyes.

speaker Jeder versteht etwas. = Everyone understands something/a little.

speaker Fast jeder (Mensch) weiß das. = Almost every (human) knows that.

speaker Jeder (Tisch) hat Tischbeine. = Every (table) has legs.

speaker jedes ['je:dəs] = each, everyone (it)


speaker Jedes (Wetter) ist gut. = Every (weather) is good.

speaker Nicht jedes (Auto) kann fahren. = Not every (car) can drive.

speaker Jedes (Mädchen) ist schön. = Every (girl) is beautiful.

speaker Jedes (Mal) sind hier verschiedene Leute. = Every (time) there different people here.

speaker jede ['je:de] = everyone, each (she, they)


speaker Jede Frau ist wunderschön. = Every woman is wonderful.

speaker Jede zweite Person in diesem Land raucht. = Every second person in this country/land smokes.

speaker Nur jede zehnte Sängerin ist hier. = Only every tenth singer is here.

speaker Jede zwei Wochen besuchen wir unsere Eltern. = Every two weeks/fortnight we are visiting our parents.

speaker Mindestens jede drei Monaten machen wir Spaß. = At least every three months we have fun.

speaker Jede paar Jahre besuche ich meinen Arzt. = Every couple of years I visit my doctor.

keiner (none), kein (none), keine (none)
speaker keiner ['kaɪnɐ] = none, no one, nobody (he)


speaker Keiner ist gekommen. = Nobody has come.

speaker Keiner wollte das. = None wanted that.

speaker Keiner von ihnen ist hier. = None of them is here.

speaker Keiner weiß es. = Nobody knows it.

speaker kein ['kaɪn] = none (it), none of


speaker Kein (Mädchen) ist angekommen. = None (of the girls) has arrived.

speaker Kein (Kind) ist zu Hause. = No (child) is at home.

speaker Kein (Auto) fährt. = No (car) is driving.

speaker Ich will Wasser. Aber Wir verkaufen keins. = I want water. But we don't sell any.

speaker keine ['kaɪne] = none (she, they)


speaker Keine (Zeitung) hat es. = No paper has it.

speaker Keine (Lehrerin) ist in der Schule. = No (teacheress) is at school.

speaker Ich wollte eine Frau treffen, aber keine war vorhanden. = I wanted to meet a lady/woman, but none was present.

speaker Du hast keine Geduld. = You have no patience.

speaker Keine (Lehrer) sind hier. = No (teachers) are here.

speaker Keine (Leute) sind gekommen. = No (people) have come.

speaker Keine war rauchen. = None were/was smoking.

speaker Keine (Autos) werden fahren. = No cars will be driving.

man (one, someone)
speaker man [man] = one, someone


speaker Man sagt so was nicht. = Nobody says something like that. (One shouldn't say something like that.)

speaker Man muss immer essen. = One has to eat always.

speaker Heute muss man nicht zur Schule gehen. = Today no one goes to school.

speaker Wie spricht man das Wort aus? = How does one pronounce the word?

speaker Das darf man nicht tun. = One shouldn't do that. (One is not supposed to do that.)

speaker Man klopfte an die Tür. = One/Someone knocked (at) the door.

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